Saturday, November 17, 2007

Monday, October 29, 2007

Monday, September 17, 2007

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Gujju Thali!!!

Dunno how authentic it is so far south.. but the mallu version looks delicious anyhow!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

I'm blessed

Down to the seashore

I, who was born to die
shall live,
that the world of animals
and the world of men
may come together.
I shall live.

Inuit legend

Apartment view

Views from our home

Friday, May 11, 2007

The Truth that hits hardest

Like the fire from the coals of a demon furnace, his heart burned within him. The wisdom of his ancestors had failed him. History had been repeating itself time and again and he was not one to deduce the obvious...

Everyone should live for the moment. There is no tomorrow. There is no sense in living in a bubble clutching onto a meaningless memory that was yesterday. The cycle will continue. For all that has happened and for all that one may have seen, one is just a drop in the sea of experiences that is mankind. What difference does it make, this sorrow or joy; to anyone but the self? Its about no one else. For one's pains will always be borne by oneself alone, no matter how beautiful or inspiring the words of countless romantic poems and stories written - mere specters brought to a plane that is utterly transient and deceiving. Noble principles are worthless. In selfishness lies redemption, and perhaps some good may yet come of it to someone else as well.